Friday, January 30, 2009

Water, water everywhere and too much to drink.

Isn't it funny how we sometimes stuggle with the "little" things when it comes to diet and training? Right now for me, it the water that I'm struggling with...4 liters per day to be exact. Sometimes I'm just not that freaking thirsty and I really really have to push myself to drink even CLOSE to that amount. I keep telling myself how much better my skin and hair looks when I'm hydrated, not to mention how much more efficiently my body is working, but still my taste buds just ain't having it. For the past few days I've gotten in less than 2 liters and my body is letting me know just how uncool this is. I can remember back in the day when 2 liters was GOOD. Sadly, most of that 2 liters came in the form of full sugar Dr. Pepper. Ahhh..the good old days. All is not lost though, sugar free Hawaiian punch drink mix with a packet of Equal is the new love of my life these days. I love, love, love this stuff and for $1 a box at Wallyworld, you can't beat it. I don't drink my entire 4 liters in Hawaiian Punch but it does make the process more enjoyable most days. Oh well, back to the bottle...16oz down and a looooong way to go.

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