Wednesday, July 8, 2009

“Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive”

Originally I had planned to keep this journal strictly about my fitness journey, but the journey to become an overall better person can take you down many paths and include many things. I posted a day or so ago about changing my training and my overall attitude due to some personal changes that were going on. These changes have affected both my physical and my emotional well-being, so I do feel as though I need to include as many details as possible so that when I do reach the end of this journey i can look back and reflect upon everything that has gone into shaping that person whom I long to become.

Much more on this tomorrow.


  1. I'm interested in reading your follow-up post, Lyn.

    p.s. the 'frugal' blogs you're following have caught my attention. hehe ;)
